Frequently Asked Questions
Copyright laws can be a bit confusing. Here are a few situations that will hopefully answer some of your questions. Feel free to email me if you have any questions you might have that are not answered in the list below.
When I purchase a piece digitally, does that give me license to copy it?
No. Digital copies should be treated in the same way as physical copies. You can only make as many copies as you purchased. If you have 50 members in your choir, you will need to buy 50 copies.Do I need to buy a separate copy for my accompanist? Yes. You need to buy a copy for each performer in your ensemble.
If I am performing the music in a free event, can I copy the music without purchasing it? No.
What if I lost my music and have only 30 minutes until I perform it? Can I copy someone else’s music? This would constitute an emergency, and under “fair use” guidelines, you would be allowed to copy it for that emergency, but would then need to destroy it and buy a new copy after the performance.
What if the music has a hard page turn? As long as you have purchased the music for yourself, it is ok to make a copy for those difficult page turns.